EID MUBARAK 1432 Hijriah!!
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin - Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
time flies. i guess that phrase is absolutely right. suddenly we've reach this holy day, Ied Fitri. for me, it's a bittersweet feeling. it's sad Ramadhan month is end, it's also exciting that we're facing this fitrah day and hope that our act of devotion on previous days when we wolk on our fasting will be received well by the almighty Allah SWT. i've been blessed by many things on this Ramadhan month, and there is nothing I can do except for thanking Allah and be more faithful to Him. anyway, have a wonderful Lebaran day fellas!! let's eat opor, ketupat, semur and many moooree special Ied meal!! ;)