
Monday, October 22, 2012

self introspection.

good evening r u this monday? hope everything's fine. well i haven't make any movie/ series review now, because i'm still working on my story, but i remember i have some writings i haven't publish yet. this is the writings i made few months ago after some shocking incident happen to me. it's about self introspection. i'm thinking rather than i put this unpublished on my laptop, why wouldn't i publish it? so here we go...

oh and it's written in Bahasa because i want it to be also one of my portfolio :D

Introspeksi Diri

Sempurna. Mungkin itulah kata yang paling disukai oleh seluruh individu di dunia ini. Sempurna dalam bertutur kata, sempurna dalam berpenampilan, sempurna dalam pendidikan, sempurna dalam pekerjaan, sempurna dalam berkeluarga, sempurna dalam kehidupan. Namun seperti yang sering Bunda Dorce katakan dalam salah satu acara televisinya, bahwa “Kesempurnaan itu hanya milik Allah SWT semata”, kita sebagai manusia hanya dapat mencari kesempurnaan, tetapi belum tentu kita dapat meraih kesempurnaan itu sendiri.

Semasa  hidup kita seringkali merasa terlalu berlebih, terlalu sempurna, tanpa menyadari bahwa kita, si mahkluk hidup yang paling sempurna ini, juga memiliki kekurangan. Oleh karena itulah kita membutuhkan sesuatu yang dinamakan intropseksi diri, mawas diri, kesadaran akan apa yang kita lakukan itu sudah benar atau masih salah.

Lantas apa sebenarnya pengertian introspeksi diri? Sejak kecil sampai dengan dewasa kata introspeksi rasanya tidak asing dari telinga kita, orang tua sering menasehati anaknya untuk selalu berintrospeksi diri. Tapi seringkali kita hanya mengangguk tanpa mengerti pasti apa itu sebenarnya introspeksi diri.

Menurut wikipedia, Introspeksi berarti proses pengamatan terhadap diri sendiri dan pengungkapan pemikiran dalam yang disadari, keinginan dan sensasi. Proses tersebut berupa proses mental yang disadari dan biasanya dengan maksud tertentu dengan berlandaskan pada pikiran dan perasaannya. 

Lalu bagaimana sih cara kita mengintrospeksi diri kita sendiri? Karena terkadang disaat harus menilai diri kita sendiri justru lebih sulit dibanding menilai orang lain.

Know Yourself More
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle
Cuma kamu yang paling tahu diri kamu sendiri dibandingkan orang lain. Kita hidup di dunia ini bersama-sama, itu benar, tapi yang tahu dan mengerti diri kita ya diri kita sendiri. Kadang ketika orang lain menilai kita, kita sering berkata, “Oh iya ya bener juga..”, kata-kata itu tandanya adalah kita kurang mengerti diri kita sendiri, kita kurang mengetahui apa sebetulnya sifat kita. Untuk mengintrospeksi diri, kita harus lebih mengetahui diri kita sendiri, karena dengan mengetahui dan mengerti diri kita, maka kita juga dapat mengetahui sebenarnya apa sih yang kurang dari diri kita? Apa sih yang harus diperbaiki? Apa yang harus diintrospeksi? Nah oleh karena itu kenallah dirimu lebih dibandingkan kamu mengenal orang lain, have a self-awareness, karena salah satu hal yang paling memalukan adalah ketika orang lain dapat menilai dan mengadili sikap kita dengan tepat tanpa kita sadari.

Keep asking yourself questions
Age is like a level in life as a game. When you reach higher level, you will also play a harder game. Seiring bertambahnya umur kita maka kehidupan yang kita jalani juga akan semakin berat, permasalahan demi permasalahan rasanya tidak pernah berhenti menghampiri diri kita. Yang satu selesai, yang lain datang. Begitu pula dengan pribadi kita. Kita sering tidak sadar kalau sikap kita itu akan berubah selama kita menghadapi permasalahan yang datang. Tapi jangan salah, kadang kita juga ga sadar kalo cara kita menyikapi suatu  hal masih jauh dari benar, oleh karena itu kita harus selalu bertanya pada diri kita, “Apa bener ya kaya gini?”, “Ko kayanya gue terlalu kekanak-kanakan ya menyikapinya?”, “Sebenernya yang salah  itu dia atau gue sih?”, that kind of questions lah yang harus sering kita tanyakan pada diri kita, karena dengan mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu maka dengan sendirinya kita mengintrospeksi diri kita ke sesuatu yang jauh lebih baik.

Listen to others opinion
“When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good reflect on your own weak points.” - Confucius
Menutup telinga terhadap  pendapat orang lain adalah a big no no jika kita ingin maju dalam hidup ini. Memang yang tahu diri kita itu ya kita sendiri, ngapain sih orang lain sibuk banget ngurusin kita? Nasehatin kita? Nah..itu lah yang harus dihindari..karena belive it or not sometime others opinion help build ourself better than before. Apalagi pendapat orang yang sangat dekat dengan kita dan tahu keseharian kita. So listen to others opinion, don’t be afraid to spare it dan jadikan hal tersebut introspeksi terhadap diri kamu.

Make lists
Last but not least yang harus kita lakukan dalam perjalanan introspeksi diri adalah membuat daftar. Bukan daftar belanjaan pastinya, tapi daftar sikap kita. Buat dua kolom, positif dan negative, dalam sebuah tabel. Tulis sikap-sikap positif kita di kolom positif dan sikap-sikap negatif kita di kolom negatif. How to do some self-introspection? Simply erase one by one the negatives and add the positives.
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside, awakes.” – C.G. Jung

Nah..jadi mulai sekarang jangan takut lagi untuk menganalisa diri kita sendiri, karena hanya dia yang mampu mengintrospeksi dirinya sendiri lah yang selangkah lebih maju di kehidupan ini. 

Written by
Sally Sulaeman Kuwair  -

Friday, October 19, 2012


i don’t understand :

how love can turns into hate
how obsessed can tuns into fear
how comfort can turns into uneasy
how enthusiasm can turns into laziness
how passion can turns into…nothing.

i just don’t understand.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

karma does exist

Have you heard about karma? It says what goes around comes around. Do u believe that? No? Yes? 50:50?

Well the option number 3 is the option I used to choose.

But now, not anymore, because karma does exist. And even though I hate to say this, I want to say that I just experienced what karma means and it really mean.

It makes me want to cry, really.

And from now on I promise to myself I won't let myself down and let others look down on me, do believe that what goes around comes around, I will be someone someday and what I get will take by others who make me get that.

Just so you know that what goes around comes around.

That’s it from me today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

when stranger appear

Hello mate? How r u doin today? I hope you're doin just fine :)

I don't know if it's make sense for you guys or not, but something just popped up in my head, and I find it (well not too important, just a bit interesting) to share on this blog.

Have you ever feel strange or scared or having a "duh" sentence in your head when suddenly someone who by the way you've never met before, you've never knew before, you've never saw before, you've never heard before, a.k.a stranger all of a sudden greet you with a wide smile?

Well you probably think what kind of a people that greets a total stranger??

Believe it or not, I'm that kind of a person. Some of my friends and family feels strange about my attitude, some people maybe find me too naive or yucks, but I don't care, for me, greets people is a good thing, who knows they would be someone that has an effect to you someday.

ways, few days ago, me as "that" person greet by another "that" person, and finally I felt what my friends felt about me that time.
Ok, before I talk the talk, I would like to say that I still think that greets a total stranger is not a sin and I wouldn't change my habit about it.
But when a stranger greets me as a total stranger, I feel a bit scared and automatically keep my things to myself, why? Because I feel that person has a hidden motive and who know if that person really does??
A little brief history, when I first move to Jakarta, me as a village girl has an idea that comes from various people that say that I have to be careful and not believe everyone I met, because villains is everywhere. So the case today, when a stranger greets me is automatically makes that stranger a villain in my idea.
So to sum it up, today's case is up to my thinking whether it is ok to greet a total stranger or it is NOT ok to greet a total strange.

So what do you think mate?

For me it's not a big problem, as long as you are not greet them in an ugly and scary way (well of course it is, duh!).

Remember Stranger is not always means Danger.

That's it from me, adios amigos.

pic bonus:

credit to: yanilavigne tumblr

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Feeling alone in the middle of the crowd.

That's what I felt before. At first I feel such a loser, pathetic is the right word. But as time goes by I kinda enjoy this situation. You know how people usually said that no matter what bad things are, there is always one good thing we can take from. And finally I get what that means.

Back to the alone-in-the-middle-of-the-world-feel, yeah I can take something good from this situation.
When I feel alone I can focus on my own little world (creepy? No), I can focus and embrace my little world. When I embrace I can tell my own story or even my own writing (like this one!). And somehow the more I think it's pathetic the more I enjoy it.

I enjoy every minute, in fact every second I feel alone.

I guess that's it. No mention (duh,feel like twitter), I mean no hidden feeling why I post this writing, just want to share a bit of my story and tell that's not every time feeling alone can be depressing and make you stress ;)

Gracias amigos, see u on my next writing ;)


Times change.
Shape change.
Things change.
Believe change.
Thoughts change.
Feelings change.
Value change.
Body change.
Health change.
Place change.
Colors change.
Technology change.
Popularity change.
Trends change.
Events change.
Ages change.
People change.
Life change.
World is full of changes.